
Our next flight instructor course will begin on the 19th of January

Aerotec’s FI course is open for inscription

All that you will need to know in order to become a flight instructor

Flight Instructor FI

Aerotec’s next flight instructor course will begin on the 19th of January at both of our bases located in Madrid and Seville.

Said course consist of 20 flight hours in basic SE aircraft, 6,5 flight hours in advanced SE aircraft, and 5 hours of simulator practice. The aim of this course is to obtain EASA’s VFR FI notation, necessary in order to impart flight instruction to pilot students. Needless to say, only pilots with an ATPL license could opt for this type of notation.

If you’re interested in it, you can inscribe by filling this page form (see below), writing to our email address comercial@aerotec.es, or calling us to either our Madrid or Seville bases during office hours (Madrid: +34 91 508 03 59, Seville: +34 954 44 90 80).

Good luck, and good future flights!

FI · fi course · flight instructor

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