AEROTEC pilot school has been following for years a series of social corporate responsibility measures in order to strengthen the links between our school and the community we live in, in order to give back to society a part of all it has gave us, going beyond the mere strictly legal duties.
We are not an NGO, we are a business and as such, we want profits, and we don’t want to fool anyone nor ourselves by claiming that our business is some kind of embodiment of a higher lofty ideal. However, we honestly believe that said search of profits, common to every business, can be done on a more humane, better manner. And since this is a family business, run by human beings, we cannot afford to isolate ourselves from the travails of our community.
So, what does it means for us to do things right?
All these small acts are what defines us.
The largest network of Aeronautical Training Centers in Europe, it is an internationally recognized aeronautical training center under the European EASA / AESA regulations.
91 508 03 59 / 91 764 94 81
618 200 587 / 954 44 90 80