Modular MCC APS (Airline Pilot Standard)

The objective of our Multi Crew Coordination Course Airline Pilot Standard (MCC APS) is to teach our students to operate at a multicrew cockpits of complex aircraft.

This happens on a work enviroment as similar as possible to a real airline, following all the airplane, safety, air traffic and company procedures as specified at the EASA AMC 1 FCL 735 normative.


To be the owner of an active PPL-IR or CPL-IR license.

Or to be a student of one of our ATPL courses.


Modular MCC APS: 40 Entrol A32 simulator hours (20 of them Pilot Flying) and 35 hours of theoretical instruction.

MCC APS as a part of an ATPL course: 35 Entrol A32 simulator hours (half of them Pilot Flying) and 35 hours of theoretical instruction.

Our course is taught by European airline instructors, and supervised by a TRI (Type Rating Instructor) or TRE (Type Rating Examiner), as mandated by AESA.


  • High-performance aircraft aerodynamics.
  • A320 automation
  • Aircraft systems.
  • Aircraft performance.
  • Normal, abnormal, and emergency procedures.
  • Incidents/accidents notification (SMS)
  • UPRT recognition
  • Airline operative structure.

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