
First music video contest for Aerotec’s students and instructors

Film your favorite flight with Aerotec and mix it up with your favorite tune!

Winners will be awarded extra A32 simulator hours!

Flight music video

AEROTEC pilot school presents its first music video contest. All our students and instructors will be able to participate in the said contest by filming our aircraft and mixing it up with their favorite tune!

The competition rules are the following ones:

  • You can participate if you’re a student or instructor of our flight school, and also if you’re a former student of our school.
  • The music video must contain one or more of our aircraft in some capacity.
  • You cannot use visual material that belongs to a third party unless you have their explicit consent to do it so.
  • The music video can’t be longer than 7 minutes.
  • All submitted entries could be used in Aerotec’s social media and advertising initiatives.
  • You gotta upload it in your social media (Instagram and/or Facebook) and tag us (@aerotec_fto / AEROTEC Escuela de Pilotos)
  • All the videos should be sent by Wetransfer o Dropbox to marketing@aerotec.es in HD.
  • The admission deadline is the 31st of March 2021 at 24:00 hours. Winners will be announced 2 weeks after said deadline.

The prices will be 2 Entrol A32 simulator hours for the first place, and two second places awarded with 1 simulator hour each.

Winners will be able to have up to two companions with them in the simulator cockpit, as long as COVID safety measures allow it.

Good luck, everyone! :)

pilot school · simulator

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