AEROTEC pioneers this type of corporate sponsorship in Spain
We have learned valuable lessons during this process which concluded on the 10th of October
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AEROTEC Pilot school has been the first Spanish school in creating a corporate sponsorship program in order to help pilots get financial help for their studies. Said program concluded in October by choosing the final 4 candidates for joining our ATPL course this year 2019.
Said financial help not only paid for the airline transport pilot course, but it also covered the FI course, the CIMA medical exam and all exam taxes and expenses of the aforementioned courses, amounting to roughly 80.000 € per student.
Needless to say, there was a very high demand: We received more than 70 different candidates, that is, 4,4 new applicants per day. We gave 15 personal interviews along with psychological tests, a trove of applicants that greatly surpassed our most optimistic predictions and that has given us as a result, a selected team of extremely motivated students.
Said students were selected according to their economic capacities, their academic performance, their gender (half the posts were for women), and of course, their passion for flight. In short, this program creates a win-win relationship between our school and our program students: They can access studies that they can afford, and in turn, we will obtain some extremely motivated, brilliant employees.
This has been a learning experience for us. We have always maintained that our profession needs help in order to overcome its main barriers of entry, that is, income level and gender gap.
And now we have finally put our money where our mouth was. We hope that this action inspires other fellow flight schools to follow our example, and for this program to become the blueprint of another similar action. An example is, Afterall, the best agent of change that there is.