
AEROTEC certifies its Entrol A32 simulator

AEROTEC Pilot School has completed its Entrol A32 certification process

Said simulator is a Twin Engine FNPT- II class simulator based on the popular Airbus A320 aircraft

AEROTEC pilot school has completed the long and hard process of certifying its new Entrol  A32 FNTP-II MCC simulator, based on the famed Airbus A320 aircraft.

Said certificate allow us to integrate the Entrol A32 into our already existing courses such as the MCC or the ATPL, as well as offering spare official flight hours for those pilots who wish to perfect their skills on their own.

In addition to that, AEROTEC will soon increase its teaching portfolio thanks to this new simulator, which will allow us to offer PBN courses, that is, Performance Based Navigation courses, a new skill that aeronautic authorities world wide are deeming vital in these modern times.

This culminates AEROTEC’s simulators modernization process, whose ultimate goal is to prepare all our students for the realities of the modern pilot workforce, which we predict that will revolve mostly around the Airbus A320, hence our simulator choice.

A320 · Airbus · atpl · flight simulator · fto · MCC · PBN · simulator

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